FreeCAD: master bc2d3e9d

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
Neinei0k abdullahtahiriyo master 2020-10-24 14:23:43 master 3598da57
Affected Issues  0004399: sketcher behavior generating a lock constraint in reference mode
Changeset Sketcher: Fix ticket 0004399

The reason for this behaviour is that root point (origin) and axes are not treated as fixed geometry. Every external geometry has negative ID which is at most GeoEnum::RefExt defined as -3 in the file src/Mod/Sketcher/App/SketchObject.cpp. Ids of root point and axes are also defined in this file with id -1 for root point and horizontal axis, and -2 for vertical axis. To fix the problem, GeoEnum::RefExt id was replaced by root point id in the condition checking for the largest id of fixed geometry.
mod - src/Mod/Sketcher/Gui/CommandConstraints.cpp Diff File