FreeCAD: master 8679bdbd

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
vocx-fc yorik master 2020-06-08 00:00:36 master 466ae17a
Changeset Draft: separate target into object and subelements in make_label

Before, the `make_label` function had a `target` parameter
that had to be a `LinkSub`, `[Part::Feature, "Edge1"]`.
However, it is easier to pass the individual components
separately using two parameters, `target_object` and `subelements`,
which can then be assembled into `[target_object, subelements]`.

The second element is optional, so it can be set to `None`,
and then the second element will be converted to an empty list,
`[target_object, []]`, as required by the Label's underlying `Target`
mod - src/Mod/Draft/draftguitools/ Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Draft/draftmake/ Diff File