Changesets: FreeCAD

master 101a0e00

2020-10-11 01:10:06


Details Diff
Using python type conversion to return voronoi element color
mod - src/Mod/Path/App/VoronoiCellPyImp.cpp Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Path/App/VoronoiEdgePyImp.cpp Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Path/App/VoronoiVertexPyImp.cpp Diff File

master ffd76938

2020-10-10 13:58:43


Details Diff
Fix deburr CW/CCW calculation
mod - src/Mod/Path/PathScripts/ Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Path/PathScripts/ Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Path/PathScripts/ Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Path/PathScripts/ Diff File

master 12155f4a

2020-10-10 09:44:51


Details Diff
Part: [skip ci] harmonizing the way to add sub-modules to Part module
mod - src/Mod/Part/App/AppPart.cpp Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Part/App/AppPartPy.cpp Diff File

master aa88f3de

2020-10-10 02:13:46


Committer: yorik Details Diff
Improve make_sketch and geometric related functions Affected Issues
mod - src/Mod/Draft/ Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Draft/draftgeoutils/ Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Draft/draftgeoutils/ Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Draft/draftgeoutils/ Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Draft/draftgeoutils/ Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Draft/draftguitools/ Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Draft/draftmake/ Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Draft/draftobjects/ Diff File

master d6031368

2020-10-09 18:22:51


Committer: wwmayer Details Diff
Part: update object and commands for BOP SplitFeatures

This includes `BooleanFragments`, `Slice to compound`,
`Slice apart`, and `Boolean XOR`.

Clean up the tooltips of properties and commands.

Clean up the spacing of the code so that lines aren't very long.
mod - src/Mod/Part/BOPTools/ Diff File

master 46f050ee

2020-10-09 17:45:41


Details Diff
handle missing target directory
better output messages
mod - src/Mod/Path/PathScripts/ Diff File

master d76124b6

2020-10-09 16:54:57


Details Diff
Part: [skip ci] fix crash when trying to convert null shape to nurbs
mod - src/Mod/Part/App/TopoShape.cpp Diff File

master 11afaaea

2020-10-09 06:39:42


Details Diff
Part: [skip ci] port class TaskCheckGeometryResults to OCCT 7.5
mod - src/Mod/Part/Gui/TaskCheckGeometry.cpp Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Part/Gui/TaskCheckGeometry.h Diff File

master 13963592

2020-10-09 06:31:48


Details Diff
Part: [skip ci] fix crash when trying to scale null shape
mod - src/Mod/Part/App/TopoShapePyImp.cpp Diff File

master 357a6c3b

2020-10-09 01:09:37


Committer: yorik Details Diff
Update MacAppBundle to work properly with Qt5 and updated homebrew
Add WebEngine required file to the bundle

Signed-off-by: Jean-Marie Verdun <>
mod - src/MacAppBundle/CMakeLists.txt Diff File

master de64e650

2020-10-09 00:42:13


Details Diff
Part: port class BOPProgressIndicator to OCCT 7.5
mod - src/Mod/Part/Gui/TaskCheckGeometry.cpp Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Part/Gui/TaskCheckGeometry.h Diff File

master 0eafaa30

2020-10-08 23:16:24


Committer: wwmayer Details Diff
Part: update icon, object and command for CompoundFilter

The previous icon did not follow the general style and colors
of other icons in the workbench.

If there is no `Stencil` in the `CompoundFilter` object, raise
a `ValueError` exception when the `FilterType` is `'collision-pass'`
or `'window-distance'`.

Raise an exception when `items` is empty, or has a malformed string,
when `Filtertype` is `'specific items'`.

Fix the `getNullShapeShape` function to return a simple
`Part.Shape`, so that there is no error raised if `_nullShapeShape`
doesn't exist. This function doesn't work at all. It was probably
a prototype which was never fully developed; it may be removed
completely in the future.

The docstrings for the commands `CompoundFilter` and `ExplodeCompound`
were revised.

Clean up the spacing of the code so that lines aren't very long.
mod - src/Mod/Part/CompoundTools/ Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Part/CompoundTools/ Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Part/CompoundTools/ Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Part/Gui/Resources/icons/booleans/Part_CompoundFilter.svg Diff File

master 484693c1

2020-10-08 21:37:07

luz paz

Committer: berndhahnebach Details Diff
FEM: remove superfluous 'pass'

Fixes LGTM alert
Per the documentation:
A 'pass' statement is only necessary when it is the only statement in a block (the list of statements forming part of a compound statement). This is because the purpose of the 'pass' statement is to allow empty blocks where they would otherwise be syntactically invalid. If the block already contains other statements then the 'pass' statement is unnecessary.
mod - src/Mod/Fem/femobjects/ Diff File

master 9be9620a

2020-10-08 20:49:22


Committer: yorik Details Diff
Show: add argument to NotAContainerError class constructor

The class `NotAContainerError` is used as an exception.
Where it is used it is initialized with an argument,
but the definition didn't accept one; now we accept an argument
in the constructor.
mod - src/Mod/Show/ Diff File

master f5476151

2020-10-08 16:27:32


Committer: yorik Details Diff
Draft: fix mismatch of argument in get_dxf function

The name of the argument, `projection`, in the old function
is incorrect; it should be `direction`, which was the original
argument's name when this method was split into its own module
mod - src/Mod/Draft/draftfunctions/ Diff File

master b0d78504

2020-10-08 16:11:40

luz paz

Committer: wwmayer Details Diff
Fix various typos [skip-ci]

Found via `codespell v2.0.dev0`
codespell -q 3 -L aci,ake,aline,alle,alledges,alocation,als,ang,anid,ba,beginn,behaviour,bloaded,byteorder,calculater,cancelled,cancelling,cas,cascade,centimetre,childs,colour,colours,commen,connexion,currenty,dof,doubleclick,dum,eiter,elemente,ende,feld,finde,findf,freez,hist,iff,indicies,initialisation,initialise,initialised,initialises,initialisiert,ist,kilometre,lod,mantatory,methode,metres,millimetre,modell,nd,noe,normale,normaly,nto,numer,oder,orgin,orginx,orginy,ot,pard,pres,programm,que,recurrance,rougly,seperator,serie,sinc,strack,substraction,te,thist,thru,tread,uint,unter,vertexes,wallthickness,whitespaces -S ./.git,*.po,*.ts,./ChangeLog.txt,./src/3rdParty,./src/Mod/Assembly/App/opendcm,./src/CXX,./src/zipios++,./src/Base/swig*,./src/Mod/Robot/App/kdl_cp,./src/Mod/Import/App/SCL,./src/WindowsInstaller,./src/Doc/FreeCAD.uml
mod - src/Base/ParameterPy.cpp Diff File
mod - src/Gui/Stylesheets/Behave-dark.qss Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Part/App/GeomPlate/BuildPlateSurfacePy.xml Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Path/App/VoronoiEdgePy.xml Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Path/App/VoronoiEdgePyImp.cpp Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Path/PathScripts/ Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Surface/Gui/Resources/icons/Surface_Sections.svg Diff File
mod - vagrant/etc/matplotlibrc Diff File

master f91eb343

2020-10-08 15:24:13


Details Diff
Part: link TKStepAttr, TKStepBase and TKStep209
mod - src/Mod/Part/App/ImportStep.cpp Diff File

master 37c8dc41

2020-10-08 15:22:53


Details Diff
CMake: add OCCT libraries. Print lib and header locations in summary report
mod - cMake/FindOpenCasCade.cmake Diff File
mod - cMake/FreeCAD_Helpers/PrintFinalReport.cmake Diff File

master fd9cdb9d

2020-10-08 12:48:35


Details Diff
Part/Import: [skip ci] disable use of Message_ProgressIndicator for OCC >= 7.5 due to major API changes
mod - src/Mod/Import/App/AppImportPy.cpp Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Import/Gui/AppImportGuiPy.cpp Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Part/App/ImportIges.cpp Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Part/App/ImportStep.cpp Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Part/App/ProgressIndicator.cpp Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Part/App/ProgressIndicator.h Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Part/App/TopoShape.cpp Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Part/Gui/TaskCheckGeometry.cpp Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Part/Gui/TaskCheckGeometry.h Diff File

master f129f3f0

2020-10-08 09:32:17


Details Diff
Gui: [skip ci] workaround to allow to define the link color of the application's palette
mod - src/Gui/Application.cpp Diff File

master 34ed859c

2020-10-08 08:57:03


Details Diff
Gui: [skip ci] make commands print, print preview and print to pdf also active when editig a sketch
mod - src/Gui/CommandDoc.cpp Diff File

master 16d91189

2020-10-08 08:00:31


Details Diff
Path: [skip ci] fix build failure on Windows if PCH is disabled
mod - src/Mod/Path/App/Voronoi.cpp Diff File

master ed61873b

2020-10-08 03:50:00


Details Diff
make deburr ignore non-vertical faces
fixes 0004327
Affected Issues
mod - src/Mod/Path/PathScripts/ Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Path/PathScripts/ Diff File

master b5f37f06

2020-10-08 02:28:17


Details Diff
make deburr check for tool attributes fixes 0004327 Affected Issues
mod - src/Mod/Path/PathScripts/ Diff File

master 5a07d7dd

2020-10-08 01:43:23


Committer: wwmayer Details Diff
Part: update icon for ProjectionOnSurface

The previous icon was improperly trimmed. The new icon
shows the projection more clearly as one object imprinting itself
over another.

Also update the tooltip, fix the indentation of the code,
and the title of the taskpanel `DlgProjectionOnSurface.ui`.
mod - src/Mod/Part/Gui/Command.cpp Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Part/Gui/DlgProjectionOnSurface.ui Diff File
mod - src/Mod/Part/Gui/Resources/icons/tools/Part_ProjectionOnSurface.svg Diff File
 First  Prev  1 2 3 ... 70 ... 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 ... 140 ... 210 ... 280 ... 350 ... 420 ... 490 ... 560 ... 630 ... 649 650 651  Next  Last